Saturday, November 26, 2011

Look who won top ten!

TOP 10 November 2011

What a great feeling to be picked as one this months top ten winner. Thanks to everyone over at the DIY club and all the other designers that give me inspiration and motivation

Dennis D

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Barn Beam Ledge Shelves

So here is the post for the barn beam shelves. I originally starting making these for a friend and then heard about the 31 days of hope auction being hosted by the DIY club.

I was featured!

Saturday Showcase 11-19-2011 Cheri featured a small post I made announcing that we will be opening up our very own Etsy store very soon. Stay tuned for the grand opening. In the meantime, head over to Cheri's site and show her some love. Thanks Cheri

Friday, November 11, 2011

For sale

Stay tuned for the new Etsy shop opening soon. Will have various handmade items for sale like shelves, tables, kitchen essentials, etc.  I hope you stop by once we open. Details will be posted for the Grand Opening.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Another great giveaway over at The Design confidential

Rustic Ladder Towel Holder

Ok, so I'm so excited to finally be posting something that I built from a plan over atThe Design Confidential. Go check her out if you haven't already. She is an amazing woman with awesome plans! anyway.....I built this ladder prop from one of her plans, found here, and I am using it as a towel rack for my master bathroom....

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Name, New look, Same old boring blog!

We have a new domain name over here at Double D's......changed the look as well. Still have rather boring content though, but please come check it out. Also have a new Facebook page. Come on over and give us a LIKE, well only if you like us....well even if you don't, LIKE it anyway.
Double D's Workshop in facebook:!/profile.php?id=152973828126279&__user=100000620213197

Awesome giveaway over at DIY show-off!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It Was So Nice, I made it Twice

I face the challenge of having to use my 2 gar garage as a work shop as well. So right now I am going through a "Garage Makeover" Problem is, at the end of the day I still have to park 2 cars in there.....

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's almost auction time

Check out all the items up for auction. All projects are made by members of the DIY club and the proceeds, well do I really have to tell you where the proceeds are going? If your lucky you can get a set of my handmade ledge shelves, or maybe Rayans awesome chalkboard with a pink frame ( I know Stef would love to have that in her classroom!) So please take the time to check out the auction starting Oct 22nd
Breast Cancer Awareness Project Showcase

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

31 days of hope

Please go check out this page. It's for a really good cause. I will be donating one of my projects for auction as well. If you're  lucky, you can win it. But you have to sign up  and make some bids. Check back to see all the great items up for auction by so many talented people. Thank you

31 Days of Hope…Going to the Auction!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Teaser pic: Samantha's barn beam ledge shelfs


So besides building things and decorating, I like taking photos too. So today I will share some. These pictures are in my hallway going to the guest bedroom. Simple pictures of a small Japanese maple tree. It was taken in December in Georgia. It was kinda crappy out, raining and snowing. The tree is uplit and has no leaves on it. Something about it said" photograph me, I'm sad". So I did so in black and white. Let me know what you think

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The wrong decision

Ok, so last week I was on my way to softball practice. Got all my stuff together and headed out to the car....close door, crap, locked my keys in the, now what do I do.
Well I know now what I should have done...I could have waited for dawn to get home, but then I would have missed practice and sat in the garage for three hours. I could have gotten the ladder and went up to the attic, walked across the attic and dropped down into the guest room hallway inside the house. I could have even cut a hole in the drywall and stuck my hand through and unlocked the door( drywall holes are easy enough to fix) All great ideas! But in a panic decision ( I really wanted to go to softball) I chose to kick my garage door in!   Hence the name of this blog post " THE WRONG DECISION "
I got my keys and left, I would worry about it later.
So later comes and I look at the handywork of my size 11.5 Addidas. Apparently I need a whole new door frame now.......or do I? 

You can see from the following photos, that I chose to cut put the damaged section with a jig saw, cut a piece of 1x3 to fit and then cut it length wise to match the width of the door frame, a few pocket holes with my  Kregg Jig Jr.(cant afford the big one yet) and presto, a new door frame! 
I marked and drilled a hole for the door lock, cut it to size with the jigsaw and then chiseled out to recess the strikers plate.  Filled in holes with silicone and painted.
Re-attached the outer trim and now my door closes. It doesn't look pretty, but it works, and it didn't cost me a penny!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Starting a much needed workbench

Ok, so I have so many projects that I want to start, so many ideas in my head, but I'm tired of working on the garage floor and using a flimsy folding table to work. So after raiding the wood dumpsters around my new community, I collected a whole bunch of usable wood that I can build some workbenches with. So today I build and hopefully this is the last thing I build on the floor.
I have a 2 car garage and park both cars in it, so it will be a challenge to build something that will have  adequate space on it without taking up too much space in the garage. I'm using a plan that I found on, where else, as a guide for the workbench. Obviously will have to modify it, stay tuned for the build post. Thanks as always for reading

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lady Goats: Pinterest Challenge, Summer Edition

Lady Goats: Pinterest Challenge, Summer Edition: "I'm a little late in posting this, but... better late than never, non? I'm SURE you've heard! There was a pinterest challenge over at Youn..."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Free wood!

Just went dumpster diving Around my community where they are building new homes. I was amazed om how much wood was in the dumpster. Got some good finds. I guess I can start a project using reclaimed wood. At quick glance looks like I have enough to build a full length bench. Some smAll side stools and a table top. I got so many 2x6 boards in various lengths and some. 2x4s..............any ideas????;

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Homemade bar with light up bottle shelf

This was an old build that was made entirely with a jigsaw and some friendship

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Next project

Will be starting on the chaise lounge chairs next. Will be a slight delay due to insufficient funds, but I will post as soon as I start. Thanks for your patience and support

Monday, June 27, 2011

Multi purpose table/cart

Ok, so I built this table for Brian. He just purchased a new BBQ and I noticed he didn't have anywhere for staging his food. I was going to just build a table, but then I saw this rolling cart w/ removable tray. I thought it was a great idea. He can bring the tray inside, load it up with food and supplies, bring it to the grill, and then bring it to the table if he so desires. I made a few changes from the original (seen here: The biggest changes were that I did not put handles on it nor did I make it a rolling cart. The main reason was.....well....i just didn't feel like it, ok?
If he decides he wants it to roll, it's a pretty easy fix to take care of that for him. Me personally, I just liked it as a stationary table. And since I built it, I can pretty much do what I want. I also added an extra handle to one side of the cart. It can be used for a towel, BBQ tools, etc.
Overall I am happy with the build portion of it, but extremely bummed with the finish. I tried my hand at painting it with outdoor paint and a clear outdoor top coat. For some reason I could just not get it smooth. Oh well, we live and learn. No more painting for me, I will stick to staining from now on.
I hope you all enjoy and maybe Brian will invite you over for a BBQ!!!   He at least better invite me over.
 As always, start with wood......and coffee (key ingredient)
Measure and cut all pieces
 Magically it's all built (sorry, forgot to take pics along the way)

 I added an extra support piece to the side. Helps in stability and keeps the tray from falling out.

 Some black paint

 Some red paint
 Few pieces of stainless steel hardware

 Clear topcoat, installed hardware and what-do-ya-know, it's all done!

 BTW, this is my backyard I used for the pictures. Come over anytime for some grilling!

"Look for new outlets for your own creative ability"

Monday, June 20, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Quick question for anyone that reads this blog with a mobile device

just wondering if anyone would be interested in a mobile version of this site for easier viewing when using your mobile device? Not that anyone reads this blog anyway. Let me know

Friday, June 17, 2011

So the winner is..........

Out door chaise loungers, voted on by you, the people. So that will be our next
 project, well after we acquire some funds first. Thank you all for voting. Keep
 browsing around to see what you want us to build next, 
We will then post another poll for the next project. We would love to hear 
any suggestions on pieces that you might like, we can always attempt them.

So there it is. We will get to work on it shortly. Would love to get some feedback on what colors everyone would like to see it. Bare cedar wood, dark stained, light stained, etc..... just reply here and give us your thoughts. thanks again          Double"D"'s

Wednesday, June 15, 2011