What a great feeling to be picked as one this months top ten winner. Thanks to everyone over at the DIY club and all the other designers that give me inspiration and motivation
Dennis D
What a great feeling to be picked as one this months top ten winner. Thanks to everyone over at the DIY club and all the other designers that give me inspiration and motivation
Dennis D
Stay tuned for the new Etsy shop opening soon. Will have various handmade items for sale like shelves, tables, kitchen essentials, etc. I hope you stop by once we open. Details will be posted for the Grand Opening.
Check out all the items up for auction. All projects are made by members of the DIY club and the proceeds, well do I really have to tell you where the proceeds are going? If your lucky you can get a set of my handmade ledge shelves, or maybe Rayans awesome chalkboard with a pink frame ( I know Stef would love to have that in her classroom!) So please take the time to check out the auction starting Oct 22nd
Breast Cancer Awareness Project Showcase
This is one of the 3 barn beam ledge shelves I made for 31 days of hope auction.
Please go check out this page. It's for a really good cause. I will be donating one of my projects for auction as well. If you're lucky, you can win it. But you have to sign up and make some bids. Check back to see all the great items up for auction by so many talented people. Thank you
31 Days of Hope…Going to the Auction!
Knock Off Decor — knock off decor, copycat decor
Please check out her site and show her support. Thanks
So besides building things and decorating, I like taking photos too. So today I will share some. These pictures are in my hallway going to the guest bedroom. Simple pictures of a small Japanese maple tree. It was taken in December in Georgia. It was kinda crappy out, raining and snowing. The tree is uplit and has no leaves on it. Something about it said" photograph me, I'm sad". So I did so in black and white. Let me know what you think
Ok, so I have so many projects that I want to start, so many ideas in my head, but I'm tired of working on the garage floor and using a flimsy folding table to work. So after raiding the wood dumpsters around my new community, I collected a whole bunch of usable wood that I can build some workbenches with. So today I build and hopefully this is the last thing I build on the floor.
I have a 2 car garage and park both cars in it, so it will be a challenge to build something that will have adequate space on it without taking up too much space in the garage. I'm using a plan that I found on, where else, WWW.Ana-white.com as a guide for the workbench. Obviously will have to modify it, stay tuned for the build post. Thanks as always for reading
Just went dumpster diving Around my community where they are building new homes. I was amazed om how much wood was in the dumpster. Got some good finds. I guess I can start a project using reclaimed wood. At quick glance looks like I have enough to build a full length bench. Some smAll side stools and a table top. I got so many 2x6 boards in various lengths and some. 2x4s..............any ideas????;
This was an old build that was made entirely with a jigsaw and some friendship
Will be starting on the chaise lounge chairs next. Will be a slight delay due to insufficient funds, but I will post as soon as I start. Thanks for your patience and support
"Look for new outlets for your own creative ability"
just wondering if anyone would be interested in a mobile version of this site for easier viewing when using your mobile device? Not that anyone reads this blog anyway. Let me know
Out door chaise loungers, voted on by you, the people. So that will be our next project, well after we acquire some funds first. Thank you all for voting. Keep browsing around anna-white.com to see what you want us to build next, We will then post another poll for the next project. We would love to hear any suggestions on pieces that you might like, we can always attempt them. So here is what you all voted on: http://ana-white.com/2011/04/single-lounger-simple-modern-outdoor-collection |