Thursday, August 25, 2011

The wrong decision

Ok, so last week I was on my way to softball practice. Got all my stuff together and headed out to the car....close door, crap, locked my keys in the, now what do I do.
Well I know now what I should have done...I could have waited for dawn to get home, but then I would have missed practice and sat in the garage for three hours. I could have gotten the ladder and went up to the attic, walked across the attic and dropped down into the guest room hallway inside the house. I could have even cut a hole in the drywall and stuck my hand through and unlocked the door( drywall holes are easy enough to fix) All great ideas! But in a panic decision ( I really wanted to go to softball) I chose to kick my garage door in!   Hence the name of this blog post " THE WRONG DECISION "
I got my keys and left, I would worry about it later.
So later comes and I look at the handywork of my size 11.5 Addidas. Apparently I need a whole new door frame now.......or do I? 

You can see from the following photos, that I chose to cut put the damaged section with a jig saw, cut a piece of 1x3 to fit and then cut it length wise to match the width of the door frame, a few pocket holes with my  Kregg Jig Jr.(cant afford the big one yet) and presto, a new door frame! 
I marked and drilled a hole for the door lock, cut it to size with the jigsaw and then chiseled out to recess the strikers plate.  Filled in holes with silicone and painted.
Re-attached the outer trim and now my door closes. It doesn't look pretty, but it works, and it didn't cost me a penny!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Starting a much needed workbench

Ok, so I have so many projects that I want to start, so many ideas in my head, but I'm tired of working on the garage floor and using a flimsy folding table to work. So after raiding the wood dumpsters around my new community, I collected a whole bunch of usable wood that I can build some workbenches with. So today I build and hopefully this is the last thing I build on the floor.
I have a 2 car garage and park both cars in it, so it will be a challenge to build something that will have  adequate space on it without taking up too much space in the garage. I'm using a plan that I found on, where else, as a guide for the workbench. Obviously will have to modify it, stay tuned for the build post. Thanks as always for reading

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lady Goats: Pinterest Challenge, Summer Edition

Lady Goats: Pinterest Challenge, Summer Edition: "I'm a little late in posting this, but... better late than never, non? I'm SURE you've heard! There was a pinterest challenge over at Youn..."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Free wood!

Just went dumpster diving Around my community where they are building new homes. I was amazed om how much wood was in the dumpster. Got some good finds. I guess I can start a project using reclaimed wood. At quick glance looks like I have enough to build a full length bench. Some smAll side stools and a table top. I got so many 2x6 boards in various lengths and some. 2x4s..............any ideas????;